Hotels - America

About  America

Popular with short-stay travellers en route to other locations & tourists on the Che Guevara trail, Hotel America is also in a great location for discovering Santa Clara, capital city of the Villa Clara province. But far from being just a 3-star stop-over; Hotel America provides charming, comfortable accommodation & a 4-star service.

Opposite the city's Parque Leoncio Vidal, which often has markets & music events, Hotel America is ideal for visitors who want to experience the sights, sounds & heritage of Santa Clara. This includes two Che Guevara museums, one of which is just 10 minutes walk away.

The hotel is fairly new & has an impressive pool table & bar area that holds a disco on Fridays & Saturdays. The bar is therefore popular with local people at the weekend & is a great place to meet & have fun with them.

Accommodation is on a bed & breakfast basis &, while the choice is limited, the food is well prepared & served in a warm, friendly way. Indeed, if you have special culinary requests, the staff will do their best to concoct them.

Hotel America is a good choice for anyone wanting a memorable experience outside the main tourist areas of Cuba, or those wanting to learn more about local heritage.

Calle Marta Abreu No.12, Santa Clara

Club Mejunje

Always Bohemian, the Mejunje offers a mix of poetry readings, interpretive dance, live theater, and karaoke on rainless nights. The place has no roof, so plan accordingly.

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